In Foundation Stage we have 2 classes:
Zebra – Nursery – Mrs Blockley and Mrs Sterling,
Lynx – Reception – Miss Townley and Mrs Oleisky
Start and End of the Day
Doors open at 8.50am. Children can come straight into class and access morning activities. Please encourage your child to be independent once they have got to grips with the morning routine. The school day finishes at 3.15pm for nursery and 3.20pm for reception. Children can be collected from outside their classroom doors. If you need to speak to a member of the Foundation Stage Team it is often easier for this to happen at the end of the day.
Children in nursery do not need a PE kit, they access physical play throughout the day.
Reception children need a PE kit of t-shirt and shorts / trousers. We advise children leave their PE kit on their peg all week and take it home when it is ready for washing.
Home Learning
The weekly learning for each class will be shared on ClassDojo. Home learning challenges will be set every week on ClassDojo. All children will take home a reading book weekly and are encouraged to read as much as possible. Little and often is best, we encourage children to re-read books to develop fluency. You can support your child by discussing what they read, making predictions and using inference. Quality stories and activities are available on Oxford Owl.